Thursday, March 8, 2012

Eight Laws of Health

We'd like to share with you The Eight Laws of Health as outlined by the Seventh Day Adventists.  We're not Seventh Day Adventists, but it's nice to be able to embrace principles that can be shared amongst the diverse Body of Christ.  Isn't it wonderful to learn different lessons from the different members of the Body of Christ?!

1.  Pure Air- Look into the purity of the air you breathe.  Make changes if possible...there are some who make geographical moves just to find pure air.

2.  Sunlight- Make sure you daily receive sunlight on your skin.  Sunlight produces certain hormones and nutrients like vitamin D that are very important for healthy bodily functions.  Make sure not to get too much but just enough sunlight.  Pay attention to how your skin reacts to the sun and adjust accordingly...spend less or  more time outside.

3.  Moderation/Temperance/Self-Control- This is a hard one for many Americans who are used to the "have when and as often as I want it" mentality.  Get just what you more, no less.  Paul, from the Bible, urges us to be "temperate in all things".  We should flee from what is harmful, avoid unneeded extremes, and be careful not to overdo those things that we enjoy (of course, those things need to line up with the nature of Christ).  Here's some examples of being temperate:  not over exercising, not overeating, not trying to be involved in too many activities...sports, social, etc., not being materialistic...  We need the Holy Spirit working within us to be's not always easy and goes against our sinful, human nature.

4.  Rest- Rest is so important!  Getting adequate sleep is, of course, important.  Resting without sleeping is important as well.  Take time to slow down and reflect on the Lord.  Stop your racing around for a while and be still!

5.  Exercise/Activity- Be an active person.  Walk, run and skip with your children, rake leaves, and swim.  Spend as much time on your feet as possible.

6.  Nutrition- Eat real foods...those that are in their whole form and full of nutrients.  Try to eat as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, and avoid overly processed foods.  Try to eat natural, whole foods such as potatoes, unprocessed slabs of meat, whole grains...things like you'd find straight from the farm.

7.  Clean Water- Water is so important for many of our bodily functions, and if water is so important, the water we take in needs to be clean.  Do what you can to secure a clean water supply.  In one of our previous homes, we had a whole-house water filtration system.  It was terrific!  We had pure drinking water and chlorine-free baths and showers as well.  We now use a Berkey filtration system...these are easy to find and are effective in filtering contaminates and bacteria.  These filters are small enough to sit on your counter and use gravity to filter the water.  There are many options out there in regards to water some research.  We are in the process of preparing to relocate to a South American country called Uruguay...just about everything's pure there...we won't have to filter our water anymore.

8.  Trust in the Lord- It's important to maintain a healthy, intimate relationship with the Lord through prayer, Bible reading, fellowship with other believers, obedience to Godly principles and to His promptings, and trusting in Him to supply your needs (and sometimes wants as well).  Without the Lord, our lives lack purpose and joy...


Natural Remedies Encyclopedia By:  Vance Ferrell and Harold M. Cherne, M.D.
(This book is put out by The Seventh Day Adventists and is packed full of home remedies and tips on natural living.  I recommend you keep a copy in your home for a reference material.)


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